Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Rebel rebel

Walling in the slums

Might read: "Renamed 800000 times through various political upheavals. Guess what happened in 1949."

There are some benefits to censorship but I prefer freedom of press. Creativitity is automatically stifled in such an environment. There is a process of self-censorship before the government gets involved in anything you do.

The August issue of Talk is out today. There is no online edition or else I would link to what I have written but I'm in it a few times:

One page featuring the "Thumb Plaza" shopping center. Happy that the thing I found most exciting about the whole place, a finely and fully refurbished Victrola, best I've ever seen, made it in.

An article on a local restauranteur, a Chinese-American woman transplanted from LA/the world of consulting. Ended up pretty bad because I don't care at all about food and found it boring though the woman was nice.

"Ten Things You Didn't Know About Avril Lavigne" -- yes, I really wrote this. She's coming to Shanghai and the creepy expats of the area are pumped. Includes obscure reference to The Sights [Detroit garage rock band].

"Year of Yes" book review.

Next month should be better.

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